Our Team

Millie Hart (Supergirl) Account Handler

Rising Star of the Insurance Universe, Millie has arrived to save the day for clients everywhere. As a talented Account Handler, Millie is well on her way to becoming a superhero of the insurance world. Currently honing her skills through an apprenticeship course, Millie is a quick learner, with a passion for helping clients navigate the complex world of insurance. With a can-do attitude and a desire to make a difference, Millie is poised to take the industry by storm. Watch out, insurance world - Super Girl Millie is here to save the day!

email: [email protected]
Charlotte Crittenden (Batgirl) Insurance Development Executive (Cert CII)

Our Insurance Development Executive, Charlotte, uses her stealth and wits to swipe an insurance policy which you’re sure to find of great value. She roams free of any one insurance provider, as do we all at Anami, hunting out only the cover that works for you. Batgirl is also the master of hide and seek. You can come out now, Charlotte...

email: [email protected]
Amit Patel Cert CII () Director

email: [email protected]
Nirav Patel (Superman) Operations Manager (Cert CII)

Meet superhuman Kryptonian, Nirav Patel. Employ his skills and watch as he freezes those loophole-ridden policies with his breath and flies you to insurance bliss. He’s often found using x-ray vision to seek out the very best policies from the top drawer of Anami’s renowned policy cabinet. A model superhero broker. Just don’t call him Clark…

email: [email protected]
Sonali Patel (Wonder Woman) Accounts

Meet Sonali Patel, Anami’s very own Wonder Woman. With the beauty and the brains to match the brawn, Sonali uses her divine powers to handle the Anami accounts and, occasionally, unleashes her Lasso of Truth to ensure everything is running smoothly. Tamper with accounts at your own peril though, Wonder Woman runs a tight ship.

email: [email protected]
Mitchell Crittenden (The Flash) Insurance Development Executive (Cert CII)

Blink and you’ll miss him, Anami’s Mitchell Crittenden is The Flash. Faster than the speed of thought, Mitchell gathers the policy you require in a literal flash. Undisputed master of speed-reading, he absorbs your policy details and blazes any and all loopholes in your cover. Travelling at ten times the speed of light, we never know how long he’s been in the office when we turn on the lights each morning.

email: [email protected]
Sam Barrett (Black Canary) PA to the Director

Rounding off the Anami superheroes, meet Black Canary, Sam Barrett, a true master of martial arts. When the chips are down and all seems lost, Sam uses her Earth-shattering ‘canary cry’, an ultrasonic scream capable of sorting out any and every issue that she faces. Such is the magnitude of her scream, in fact, that we can provide ear plugs in the office if necessary.

email: [email protected]

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