Halloween can be traced back as far as the ancient festival of Samhain when, on the 31st of October, the ghosts of the dead would revisit the mortal world. Nowadays, Halloween is a far cry from this ancient ritual. Children wander the streets in costumes intended to scare or amuse, knocking on doors in the […]
About us

The Anami team is a regular family with irregular skills; we’re your average team of insurance superheroes, able to find bespoke protection in the sectors that matter to you.
Family and teamwork is what ties everything together, so whether you’re looking for personal insurance for family members, or commercial cover for any-sized business, we’re tried and trusted to deliver a service that you and your team can rely on.
It’s our service that separates us from the rest. We like talking so much that we speak in four languages; English, Gujarati, Hindi and Punjabi. We’ll get to know you, how you work, and assess your needs so that the policy you receive is built for you.
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