
Impressive home insurance built with comprehensive protection in mind, from buildings to contents, valuables and art

You can protect your buildings and your possessions with simplicity, whether you have a mortgage or rent.

Most people take their possessions for granted. We often don’t understand the real value of the things we own. From TVs and laptops to furniture, clothes and bedding. It all adds up.

What if you own jewellery, art, watches or an inherited antique? Suddenly your possessions around the home are worth far more than what you first thought.

Consider what could happen to your home. A fire, flood, burglary or worse. Without appropriate cover that is both meticulous and accurate, you could risk underinsurance. At Anami, we can offer bespoke cover for you, your buildings and your contents at an affordable price.

most people take their possessions for granted. We often don't understand the true value of the things we own.

Whether you have outbuildings, garages or unique features, Anami will do the legwork for you to find you flexible cover focused on you and your home. Underinsuring your belongings could become a time-consuming and costly mistake should an incident occur.

Some of the benefits of cover with Anami are;
- Buildings - Contents - Accidental damage - Fine arts, antiques, jewellery and valuables